Annual Physical Exams and Vaccination
Heartworm and lyme disease testing
Senior Wellness Visits
Nutrition counselling and prescription diets
Puppy and kitten vaccines and wellness exams
Microchip identification
Annual physical exams and vaccination
Annual physical exams are an important part of keeping your pet healthy. Dogs and cats age much more rapidly than people so having a thorough physical exam each year (and bi-annually for pets over 8 years of age) can help to prevent disease and extend the longevity and vitality of our pets.
Vaccination of your pet depends on risks and potential disease exposure and thus is catered to your pet’s needs. Typically most canine ‘core’ vaccines are on a 3 year rotation with the exception of vaccines necessary due to risks for certain diseases. Feline vaccines are yearly as research has shown that the ingredients in longer lasting vaccines in cats can come with some serious side effects. The veterinarian will talk with you to assess your pet’s needs at their annual visit.
Heartworm and lyme disease testing
Although not very prevalent in the Niagara region, there are several cases of heartworm disease in dogs every year and many more cases of lyme disease each year. Heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes and can go unnoticed until serious side effects of infection occur. Lyme disease is transmitted by deer ticks and is present in the Niagara deer tick population. Yearly heartworm and lyme disease testing is recommended for all dogs in Niagara. Heartworm and lyme disease testing is performed on a small sample of blood, typically sampled in the spring months, and results are given to you before the end of your pet’s visit. Your vet can talk with you in detail about heartworm disease, lyme disease and preventative products for your canine companion. Selection of a product for heartworm prevention, flea and tick control can be tailored to your dog’s needs.
Senior wellness visits
Senior pets, although young at heart, often require a little extra attention. It is recommended to have your senior pet in to see the veterinarian twice annually. Unfortunately pets age much more rapidly than our human counterparts and therefore paying close attention to their weight, and physical exams are really important in preventing disease. Wellness bloodwork starting yearly at the age of 8 is a helpful way to keep tabs on your pets health beyond what the eye can see.
Nutrition counselling and prescription diets
Nutrition plays an important role in the wellness of our pets. Many diseases and ailments can be controlled through diet alone, especially in cats! Your veterinarian has a thorough education in nutrition and can recommend a diet appropriate for your pet, whether it is a veterinary exclusive diet or a recommendation of a diet you can purchase at your local pet store.
Puppy and kitten vaccines and wellness exams
Puppies and kittens require their own special vaccine protocol and de-worming schedule in their first year of life to get them off to the right start. Most pets will require three sets of vaccine boosters spaced a month apart starting at 2 months of age. Vaccinating and deworming young animals is important for their healthy growth and development.
Microchip identification
Microchips are a great way to ensure your pet returns home should they ever become lost. All veterinary clinics and humane societies routinely scan lost pets for microchips. Many pets have returned to their loved ones safe and sound due to a microchip. Microchips are the size of a grain of rice and are permanently placed under the skin. Most chips are placed while your pet is spayed or neutered but they can be placed during your annual exam, or at any time by appointment.

329 Four Mile Creek Rd
P.O. Box 618
St. David's, NOTL
L0S 1P0

Phone Number

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm
Closed Weekends